Kansas Honor Flight - Wamego High School
Our Mission:
Kansas Honor Flight - Wamego High School has a mission to take veterans to Washington D.C to see their respective memorials. As a way to honor them for their service, veterans do not pay for the opportunity.

Wamego High School proudly joined the Kansas Honor Flight Network in 2012. We search for veterans in our regional area who are interested in seeing our nation's memorials on a two-day trip to Washington D.C. in late April. Wamego High School National Honor Society students serve as guardians for our esteemed veterans during the trip. There is no cost thanks to our financial partners!
Please visit our facebook page for videos and photos of past flights!
How to apply
Top priority is given to WWII, Korean, and terminally ill veterans from all wars. All other veterans are given priority by the date the application is received.

“These youngsters seriously cared, wanting to learn more about patriotism and the military, appreciated some of the struggles we went through. We veterans are forever grateful for that.”
~WWII War Veteran
Email us: whshonorflight@gmail.com
“I carried around anger for 50 years, and this trip made it disappear.”
~Vietnam War Veteran
“Fifty-six years after coming home from Korea and seeing this… it was really special.”
~Korean War Veteran
Kansas Honor Flight - Wamego High School is a 501c3 in the Wamego Community Foundation. Click the following link to donate